Inlays And Onlays | Dentist Near Me | Dentist Pontcanna
Inlays and Onlays Treatment at Bay House Dental Practice, Cardiff

Inlays and Onlays

An inlay fits within the confines of the teeth. An onlay covers the entire chewing surface of the tooth. These can be made of either plastic resin or porcelain and gold can also be used.

Inlays and Onlays are:

 Used when there is insufficient tooth structure to support a directly placed filling, and to protect the tooth from chewing forces

  • Adhesively bonded and fitted into place for a long-lasting repair
  • A common option when replacing silver amalgam fillings
  • Custom made in our lab by our technicians to fit into or over the tooth, similar to that of a crown

Porcelain inlays and onlays

Porcelain inlays and onlaysare tooth-coloured restorations that are colour matched for a natural look, placed usually on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth.

Gold inlays

Gold inlays are restorations placed usually on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth.

The procedure involves removing decayed tooth structure or old fillings, preparing the tooth cavity, taking an impression of the cavity to fabricate a custom-fit inlay or onlay. Two visits are required to complete the treatment.

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